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Any plans for any new games?


Currently working on the sequel to FTG!

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I played the first game and loved it! :-)

Overnight and FTG are my favorite!

Are you by any chance planning to do another game for Overnight?

Even with the cheat sheet I cannot beat this game, I never have enough health or potions to not die

Absolutely delightful game, with a bellyful theme, adorable characters, and some fun puzzly combat! The bellydancers are tough nuts to crack, but overall I found the enemies fair and delightfully varied! Lovely work :D


Hey, just asking, where can I get full gameplay video of this? I've downloaded this game but I'm kinda too lazy to finished it all and I don't have too much free time.

There's incorrect info on the cheat sheet about the mama slime


This game is awesome! ❤️❤️😍

10/10 💯

Great story and graphics 👍

This game definitely needs another game! 

Thank you, JoiPlay! 🎮😁❤️


Does anyone know how to get Ending C?

I doe


It genuinely pains me that the gorilla is from this game, I love him and want him as my pfp on all socials. Aint no way I'm risking it tho

Is there any way to see ending A after seeing ending B? After defeating the Dark Queen, there is no one at the end.

I Cant go back into the last boss room for second ending after finishing it once

Heya i wamted to ask two things

1: exist other places where we can see the news of this game? Like discord or other website to be more aware of it :0?

2: i saw on the files exist 2 or 3 more playable chars like the fairy ofnsavefiles and merchant :0 how i do unlock them?


The game is finished! There won’t be any more updates, but if you want to stay updated on any future projects you can follow my Twitter / X.

And if you’re curious about the additional player sprites, please check the cheat sheet included with the game files.

I played the game, it was awesome!

Overnight was great too! I hope that one gets another game! :-)

Hi! I'm having a tiny problem. I downloaded this game when it first came out but couldn't play it due to problems wiht my PC, I have upgraded it since then and I found the game folder today so I started playing the version 1.1 up until about finishing Tier 2. Then I came to this page out of curiosity and found that there's a version 2.0 now, so I downloaded it and passed the save file to the ver. 2.0 folder, and it let me play normally. The thing is that I noticed that Orva's belly didn't grow anymore when I collected souls, even though the NPC's say she's growing, the sprites and the pic of her in the corner doesn't change. I then copied this save file from ver. 2.0 back to 1.1 and she grows normally, so I'm curious now of what could be causing such incompatibility for something so tiny on the game and not other big mechanics of it, and if it's possible to fix it to keep playing on ver. 2.0.

This is my savefile on ver 2.0
And this is the same exact samefile on ver. 1.1

Sadly with how RPG Maker works, saves are not compatible between versions! In version 2.0 I tweaked how the sprites update for the save screen, and that variable must not translate from the old version, sorry to say.

The game is still perfectly completable in 1.1! The only missing features are cosmetic, and maybe a few bugfixes / spelling errors.


Pros: Good art, cute artstyle, great bellies.
Cons: Blazing bellydancers are really badly designed. They'd be difficult enough even if they didn't always spawn with two allies. If you're not gonna let the allies blow up, expect to use up all your healing. If you do let them blow up, you're STILL gonna use up most of your healing. You can't win, unless you grind and stock up on stun gems.


doe anyone know how to do C ending? if you know please tell m


Personally not a fan of how secret it is.

On the level AFTER the dark/shadow level on floor 4 you will find it. That is to say, the literal final level where you are fighting normal enemies, not an interlude or miniboss/boss level.

There is a portion of the wall where exactly one tile is slightly differently colored. Move into it, continue exploring it. Exhaust all dialogue/all options, you can't get "locked" out of it at any point, so no need to worry. 

The ending works exactly the same way as A and B, so it will be apparent when you get it.


is it the level with the two locked doors with 2 treasure chests in each of them?

I hope someone reads this and bring me some help.. I am an android user and I use Joiplay to enjoy these games but when I Install Overnight I don't see the Nikki Sprite, Somethins similar happens with 9 months with ellie, I can't see the respective Images that comes with the text when they are talking, can someone tell me what to do to solve this problem? Because when I Play For the goddess I don't have any problem at all

(1 edit)

i'm having a problem downloading the game

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is there pregnancy in the game


I'm sorry, but this made me laugh! XD


This is a great game overall. I'm not a big fan of RPGS, and this game is a bit more grindy than it really needs to be but the story and characters are really cute! The only thing I want to ask is about ending C. I've gone through the cheat sheet, I've found every other secret there is, and I've gone through the other comments, but I can't seem to figure out where its is located. Could someone poke me in the right direction? 

I want to ask if there will ever be a new update with new content after all I feel the worl you used could be expanded more

Is Kill Mode a bad thing? Do I have to worry about some kind of Undertale-esque scenario if I select kill mode?

It's just a silly name for an easy mode haha, all good

Okay, cool. One quick question though, where is this first earring? I'm at Tier 3 level 2 like the cheat sheet says, but i'm not seeing anything. 


It can be easy to miss, it’s a small shine. Plus it only appears in one variant of Level 2, so it’s more of a secret goodie. You’ll see a shine near a floating platform with a statue on it above the green water if you’re in the right variant


Is it alright if you link all the people you collaborated with, there's ALOT of their OCs that look amazing


I accidentally activated sticky keys before fighting the final boss and in the time i was trying to figure out how to turn it off some creepy shadow face started a fight with me, it freaked me out.


What can the banana be used for and where can I find the last three enemies  


The banana is useless! And if you're curious, check the included cheat sheet!


Please.. someone.. Tell me how i get the ending c.. what i have to do.. I have no clue.. Really.. is there enyone that have unlocked it?.. Because.. it looks impossible to me and at this point i'm so tired


if you havent found it im just gonna say these (go to the last stage of the fourth dungeoun before the lobby of the boss and search for something in the wall, thats all i can give)

Thank you so much

It's too complicated a clue. I've been all over the lobby and I can't find anything. 

Hello, you have to look for something that shines on the wall or some kind of statue 

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At this point, I think they should make an entire game of the goblins. 

I would absolutely play a game about them XD


mega good game


Shout out to all the true friends who only used pat on the Queen of Darkness.

Genuinely wasn't expecting this to get any sort of update, so glad it did though. Will save hours of grinding.


The game is a nice little romp. The art is all wonderful and the gameplay quite fun to try and figure out each enemies weakness.
All my homies hate Blazing Bellydancer. (They're fine, just a bit strong.)
My biggest gripe is a certain secret encounter. Wound up editing the game files since it (seemingly) permanently affected the menu.
Maybe I'm just afraid of the dark?

In the end though It's very nice to see all the custom menu UI and such you managed to fit into what is often a limited engine and I really liked seeing all the familiar faces back at the goddess.

Deleted 320 days ago
Deleted 320 days ago
Deleted 320 days ago
Deleted 320 days ago

Is there anyone who found a secret ending?.. Like.. there is the A and the B.. but.. Knowing Hellbrain And the others two games I suppouse that is a Secret Ending

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Not playing this game in kill mode is suffering, I hate this game

Deleted post

will there be a gallery in future updates

As of rn there is a dairy with all enemies in and tips on how to stun them but you have to defeat those enemies to unlock them

Where is the chamber of darkness?

it's the corridor right before the final boss, the one that has the dim/low vision effect. I can give more info if needed

Yeah, sure. I would love the info

As I saw in the game files there is a boss and I do not know how to activate him

The game is really nice. I always loved your games and secret endings in them. So, this game is fucking awesome! I love it. Really much. On my humble opinion, this is your best game so far. I don't encounter any bugs with it, the game is well made and polished and soundtrack. Gosh, it's just so nice. I hope you will make more games like this one in future

How do you sell items to the shopkeeper? Is this unlocked later in the game or are there only certain items that can be sold?


There’s neither, I didn’t intend for there to even be a blacked out “sell” tab but I couldn’t figure a way to remove it. That’s rpg maker!

(3 edits) (+1)

check the folder that contains all the javascript files, it's from them that you can edit the whole thing done as well adding some features that doesn't exist from the rpg maker mv software. here a screenshot as example:

i hope it helped you out.

ps: your game was fun to play!

edit: you can edit the code source from the mjshi's plugin, you will be able to find the "sell" function that you could remove completely. that is where you could find the information as well the code to edit: Remove the "Sell" option from the shop menu completely? | RPG Maker Forums (

I thoroughly enjoyed this game; it was aggravating at times, but overall a nice adventure with cool art and relatability. The lore was neat; including the mechanics. Awesome soundtrack as well👍🏾

Bugs I found:

I don't think the statues in the screenshots are suppose to be cutoff as they seem to align with the tile they are suppose to be on.

If 2-3 of the conjurers are killed at the same time then you kill one by themselves, the horror becomes unkillable because the game only counts two of the state changes of the ritual and the boss. I encountered this after a second run on the boss and took a couple of tries to kill them again.

When you speak to the goddess after she is on her last stage, the prompt to enter her chamber pops up again after you choose "Nevermind."


the statues are supposed to be like that haha, I wanted it to be like they sunk into the lava, but didn’t bother to make unique tiles. 

As for the bugs with the Goddess and the Horror, I’ll be addressing it as best as I can in the next update! 

Ah okay

Great game!!! Keep up the good work!


mac version soon? 😅

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